Szanowni Państwo,
Serdecznie zapraszamy na prelekcję, którą poprowadzi dr Outi Veivo z Uniwersytetu w Turku.
Wykład odbędzie się 25 stycznia 2024 r. (czwartek), o godzinie 13.15 na platformie
Language teaching in Finland – What is the role of technology?
This presentation examines the role of technology in foreign language teaching in Finland. It will first describe how foreign language teaching is organised in Finland and then give practical examples of how different types of digital tools are used in language learning in Finland.
At the end of the presentation there will be time for questions, which can be posted before the presentation on this Flinga-wall: . If you wish, you can also react to questions from others and use different colours to distinguish between different themes.
Outi Veivo is a Senior Lecturer at the French Department, University of Turku, Finland. Her expertise lies in foreign language learning and processing. Her research interests also include exploring how different technologies, such as social robots, can enhance language learning. She is currently leading a teacher in-service training on the meaningful use of technology in foreign language teaching.
ID de réunion: 954 1742 9732
Code secret: 744778
Małgorzata Molska